+39 329 98 29 752 enjoyabruzzo@gmail.com

Owning a sec­ond home abroad can be a real adven­ture.
Italy, in par­tic­u­lar, is famous for its bureau­cra­cy and thou­sand of laws!

Once you have a house here you MUST be aware of many things and, being far away for long peri­ods might make you miss a pay­ment or a dead­line in fill­ing some forms. Most of the times the admin­is­tra­tive offices do not look after for­eign­ers in case they have dif­fi­cul­ties BUT as the say­ing says Ignorantia juris non excusat (i.e. Ignorance of the law is no excuse). Thereafter every now and then a bill could arrive request­ing past pay­ments togeth­er with high fines and so on. So, in the end, it is more con­ve­nient to be up-to-dat­ed than wait­ing for the offices to serve you!

What I do in Abruzzo is tak­ing care of your house, man­ag­ing all paper­work, pay­ments and final­ly report­ing the accom­plished work.

I have been work­ing in this field for 13 years and my duties deal with the fol­low­ing actions:

*    Key Custody
*    Monthly prop­er­ty inspec­tion
*    Collection of your mail
*    Manage and pay your IMU, TASI and TARSU (year­ly Property and Refuse tax­es)
*    Connecting/Changing util­i­ties
*    Central heat­ing boil­er main­te­nance (in com­pli­ance with Italian law)
*    Insurance renewal for build­ings and con­tents
*    Servicing and prop­er­ty main­te­nance
*    Ordering gas refill
*    Turning on/off util­i­ties, cen­tral heat­ing etc…
*    Setting up inter­net con­nec­tion
*    Accountancy
*    Shopping for your arrival
*    Gardening ser­vices
*    House clean­ing
*    Maintenance of swim­ming pools etc…
*    Document renewals
*    Providing man­pow­er
*    Pet care
*    Alarm respon­se and inter­ven­tion (if nec­es­sary)
*    Assistance with res­i­den­cy appli­ca­tions


Besides the above list­ed ser­vices, while check­ing your prop­er­ty, I’ll be able to man­age emer­gen­cies or upris­ing issues.
For instance, once I found out an unex­pect­ed water leak caused by a pipe’s explo­sion. If it wasn’t for my prompt inter­ven­tion the leak could have caused a flood dam­ag­ing the house.
In anoth­er prop­er­ty, dur­ing my month­ly check, I noticed a water infil­tra­tion com­ing from the roof. The own­ers, who were not present at that time of the year, could have nev­er fig­ured out why the house was so wet with­out my con­stant inspec­tion.

Over the years I’ve gained a trust­ful rela­tion­ship with my clients as they del­e­gate me to sort out any pos­si­ble incon­ve­nience and dif­fi­cul­ty. They know it will all be done on time and prop­er­ly. In the mean­while they learn lit­tle by lit­tle about bureau­crat­ic issues and most of all they can relax and enjoy their hol­i­days and home with­out spend­ing a for­tune for an over­sight.

If you do not own a home yet, but you are will­ing to buy one, I am the right per­son that can work for you and at your side, man­ag­ing all sit­u­a­tions and pro­vid­ing for a high qual­i­ty ser­vice.